wrote:hi. make please voting and rotation of "normal" map then is 1 gamer on server.
when 1 gamer on server is not interesting running stupid map with bot (only gauntlet weapon).
1 gamer could run on "normal" map and teaching it and wait for someone another gamer.
sry for bad englishamigo you can do so by /callvote mode tag and /callvote map mapname, I'm not changing the Training rotation because the majority of the users prefer it. It might be 'Stupid' to you but not to others.
Everyone should know by now that is a 1 player rotation , so if you see someone playing and you want to play freeze tag all you need to do is join that person, when map ends and or you /callvote rotate during the training map next map will be freeze/ffa regular rotation.
But maybe new players wont join because of the trainingsmaps, and callvote map dont work! or im to stupid
How to fix? What is the problem?
As I can see, you miss some textures because of a conflict between two versions of shaders.
[quote = V1979] Как я вижу, вы пропускаете некоторые текстуры из-за конфликта между двумя версиями шейдеров. [/ quote] I'M BOPOH, I HAVE CLEAR GAMEQ3!, BUT IT NOT HELP... VIRUS PETYA XD
Не тупи, никакой это не вирус.
Не тупи, никакой это не вирус.
А че это тогда за хрень? Я уже разные конфиги пробовал, и разные кваки (свои сохраненные на флешке) и та же хрень! Есть идеи?
As I can see, you miss some textures because of a conflict between two versions of shaders.
And? Who can help me...
Надо смотреть, что у тебя в папке с q3.
Please provide english translations of non english text, while you are writing your posts. Thankyou. - Your friendly neighbourhood mod.
There s nothing interesting in those messages. If there were interesting details, I would translate them.
it should be working. as far as new players non e+ , it doesnt matter what mode its on, actually the training mode will be more fun to non e+ players than freeze . Ive seen more stay for training longer than freeze