Kid zmb makes some good one. Tanks ! 1++ one of my fav.
here is the commands for decompile .bsp maps to .map
need download first the q3map2 program.
then make a command.bat file into directory.
and write in:
q3map2.exe -game quake3 -convert -format map q3dm7.bsp
have a nice day
here is the commands for decompile .bsp maps to .mapneed download first the q3map2 program.
then make a command.bat file into directory.and write in:
q3map2.exe -game quake3 -convert -format map q3dm7.bsphave a nice day
My variant, that I use:
<path to q3map2.exe>\q3map2.exe -convert -format map <path to your map>\<yourmap>.bsp
I would not recommend using minus nudge. The nudge command is for if you have an unstable net that constantly spikes from your normal ping.
With poisitive nudge. It adds to the normal delay that your client creates allowing your connection to be smoothed out more from the time it recieves info from the sever. Although its not really a fix and more of a lesser of two evils kind of situation. It will help with jittery connection however.
Minus nudge will make your ping look less but will give your client less time to try and predict sever events. Kind of like a preinterpoation. Anyways this means you will see false infomation more often as the client fails to create a true instance of your current game (because your not giving it enough time). Prediction errors essentially. This will look like other players warping.
Anyways timenudge is entirely clientside and does not effect other
game users at all in any other way. So feel free to set what you want to
alter your own client.
The paragraphs here do a really good job of explianing it (near the bottom of the page). Its alittle less laymans than my explantion.
Here's a nice suggestion: How about refs do not change a map on their own will while 10 other people are on the server?? I believe /callvote map xyz is not below "oh the almighty power of the referee"...
There're some bad choices Shad. Obviously.
On the other hand Shad, you're doing an excellent job here with your servers, activity and will to do something good around.1
Just be careful/more cautious with the refs' selection, there's been plenty of abusive behavior on many servers in the past. You know what they say - give a man power to see his real self
200+ ping players are allowed to use - nudge