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warnerman's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
ES Spain

We has been felling ourself like a drop of water out of the ocean, smalls, weak, etc.
What if we introduce the drop into the ocean?
From that perspective the drop do not feel itself anymore small or weak ... Can u feel what it means?

Joined: Aug 2006
SE Sweden
Fresh? News :)

Boring. Also, I'm sure it will help a lot. See this thread in the trash can too hopefully.

Forum moderator
WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004
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Over reaction and pointless, sorry if that sounds cold, but it just seems silly, it looks like its been done in a moment of frustration and possible anger. if you have opinions talk about then the E+ forum is very laid back and pretty uncensored.
Bur please don’t say this is just about a disagreement about the temp look of the updates on the e+ forum and that its much more than that ?

When you have calmed down post how you feel at E+, if it’s a good and balanced view I’m sure people will se that and agree or disagree. so far I have thought you guys have posted well thought out posts and seem to be big on justice.

as torz says, this really wont help and i cant see how it will achive anything you want.

I fear this all be done to communication issues.

breath in and out and in and out annnnnnnd relax :reindeer:

warnerman's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
ES Spain
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Ok ppl, im able to talk about , but i dont want to make a "flame?" here,
so please to talk about this and another similar cases we can talk in the link i posted here.

This was not an alone case, lets talk about it there.

We has been felling ourself like a drop of water out of the ocean, smalls, weak, etc.
What if we introduce the drop into the ocean?
From that perspective the drop do not feel itself anymore small or weak ... Can u feel what it means?

Joined: Aug 2006
SE Sweden
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Thank you, Wax, for saying pretty much what I wanted to say but without the dumb sarcasm I know I would have added and hence refrained from attempting \:D/

EVOL.WAX wrote:

Bur please don’t say this is just about a disagreement

Exactly what I thought after on that other forum reading

thats the second time they censured me cause i was not accord with the decitions they take.

Disagreement alone doesn't get stuff trashed, locked or deleted. Then almost nothing would be left Happy

Like Wax said, chill, and like I said on the other forum, if you really care or want to change something or whatever, step your level of discussion up instead of down.

And now I will try to pull my nose out of yet another place I'm not sure if it should have been or not x) Anyway sort it out and keep playing the game!

warnerman's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
ES Spain
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PLease lets keep the conversation on the other forum dude, u are trying to share ur point of view and ofcourse its welcome, in fact that is the reason i made this post, but please not here, i really dont want that moderators come and delet my post. do u know how many times moderators deleted, locked, "edited" and now trashed our post? so please dont answer here.


We has been felling ourself like a drop of water out of the ocean, smalls, weak, etc.
What if we introduce the drop into the ocean?
From that perspective the drop do not feel itself anymore small or weak ... Can u feel what it means?

kraster's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
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well i didnt read, except the last post of u warner. Mods cant delete posts from priv forums, edit them etc Winking

Leukothea's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
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TORZELAN can answer wherever he wants Love struck

Im sick of you ppl making stuff up!

What? now you decided to take it all on mad cause he didnt like her suggestion??

I also said i didnt like the new forum and i didnt brag that someone attacked me, no one attacked me, no one attacked or censored knightness either, he just splitted the topic cause it didnt belong there

Sug min fitta.
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Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
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I don't see here problem with forum look. I see never ending problem about people attitude.

For example you can put same statement in different way of expressions.

"It is stupid..." - rude and aggressive, insulting...
"I think that is stupid..." - rude
"I don't think that is good solution..." - nice and polite, specially when dimension on polite way why is not good and suggest on polite way what you assume better solution and why ? Anyway you can express opinion on many ways...

What everyone want is respect. People which approach to other people on aggressive, rude way naturally in time will receive back even more bad energy...

It is all about attitude, behavior, and how someone raised by their parents in one word culture. I wrote a lot topics about positive and constructive behavior and ways to approach discussion...

So, in my signature is written all... "Thank you, I am sorry, please..."

- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

Leukothea's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
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Rena, why do you think your post is now needed here? no one said somehting was stupid, no one insulted anyone here, and this topic was made for nothing, as i wrote in my post, so please...

Sug min fitta.
Join irc channels: #2!Sweet | #m0ve | #e+pickup

Budman's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
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guys understand one thing. Mods never delete a post that voices an opinion expressed in a constructive manor. But on the other hand if you single out a mod as being an "ass" or other choice words then yes it will be locked moved or deleted.

Every single person on this board has a say. we listen to everyone. We make changes based on the majority of the users wishes. It would appear some users feel they are not heard, that is not the case, but if 500 users like the change and a handfull do not, do you think we should change back.

Leukothea, Rena was trying and apparently unsuccessfully to point out why some of the post get deleted, and as for why he posted here, why not. This is a public forum he has every right to post.

Everyone thinks Modding these forums is an easy job, I guess that makes you think we have all this free time to respond to countless post about BS. Well for most of us we would rather be enjoying our families, our lives, and mabe even getting a chance to play instead of spending hours working in the boards and getting information to edy and easy for the development of the new site.

I guess I have been the lucky one as I have yet to be singled out for being an ass.

Maybe this is just a simple case of learning to express you ideas without making attacks on the guys who spend thier time trying to keep this community growing.