Hey guys. When do you want to play our second week game?
(\__/) (+'.'+) (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny to your signature help him gain world domination.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.. [G.Orwell]
week game=wallkover game
play hard, you'll forget the fear...
TnT have 1 WO if they will not answer here too it will be second:
10. Loosing 2 games by WO in a row will succeed removing from the League.
Still no response. I doubt anyone from TNT is alive.
: Idk why, but I've created the e+ chat in Telegram
: freon alive?
: happy holidays
: Professor of what? Respawns or rage quits? You’ve definitely earned your tenure in both
: Always been your professor
: baxtaber, still nub!? =]
: fart run on !FREON! #1 xD
: https://www.you...
: my table UPDATE sorting of most relevant by have players in tracking and down will be without this feature https://www.tig...
: VIDEO - FLICK CHEATER? please tell me what you think about this?
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Still no response. I doubt anyone from TNT is alive.
This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny to your signature help him gain world domination.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.. [G.Orwell]