Fuck I am drunk!
HeHehehe haha hiohi lol xd n1. anything more u got,?D:D
chivas regal!!
true, it's my 2nd best
1st is glenn fiddich
Even elephants like alcohol Don't mess with them.
Happen today.
for vanilla company: Hustler, Bozo, Reynold, Khaz, Dider, Jado (urod XD ), Monster , and allots more (:
and Easy+
Hehe, thanks Pepi. Hope you doing good old man
fuck that.
no i chuj, 10 lutego a beer feezer pusty... pierdolta sie pierdolta.
so as I'm gettig this right "I don't remmember what topic I was supossed to write..."
is this means ban bitches ?
btw that would B 3rd.. what then ?
so many questions, so many beers while beer freezer stands empty...
ban me for beer fr. stands empty. epic end of e+/- journey...
oh and it's the 9th beer... after sum' of ballantines....
funny thing is how many times I was redirecing tha fckn post... LOL.
hohoho fun topic.i fought its excessive plus comunity but it drunkeeeeeeers plus webpub
2 L Vodka + 15 L Beer )