funwar e5r
Hey ratw. One week ago i talked with deadrose about a funwar between ratw and wgvd. Since he doesnt answer on my pm i write my suggestion in your forum. What about sunday 18.01. At 19.00 or 20.00. Please give me answer here or on pm.
Did you try to contact him by Skype... ?
edit: .DeadRose : tobias.meyer1980 (Skype)
Hey Schosch,
sorry for the wait. I not saw your msg. Magic told me that you are looking for me and now I read it.
Tomorrow is the birthday of my girlfriend, so I can not play for sure.
But I will contact others RATWs and send them this post. So maybe the game can be done without me.
If not we play another day and I contact you for a meeting.
Good luck for both teams and have fun!
I have no idea what kind of config e5r is oO. Anyway, I would've played if I wasn't working tomorrow. GL all if the game is played on Sunday.
with Rose, we gonna try to bring every players as possible but i do not promise you anything.. if we aren't able to play tomorrow, lets schedule it to the next sunday alright ?

So lets play next sunday 25.01. Since our members also need to know some days in advance. Is 19.00 ok?
okay for Sunday 25.01, Do you know approximatively how many will you be ? for i try to bring enough ppl
oke, so i'll try to bring 6, but we'll be 3 for sure.. can you start to search a good server plz ?
dont have his skype-name