hello swe! how about to play in this sunday fw, rnt vs swe? if you cant in this day, you can offer to us then the other one.
* Veni, Vidi, Vici! (c) July Caesar. * God lives in fair heart.
i will bring this to their attention! Could be loads of fun,thx for the invite.
How 'bout you 'bicker' off back to your sandbox, someone is pissing in your little plastic bucket.
and SE, not SWE swe - clan was. Mayb we ask with LNT/Baltic too, someday
I would teach you how to play, but I don't know myself! Cfg used Mice owned My girlfriend
: Idk why, but I've created the e+ chat in Telegram
: freon alive?
: happy holidays
: Professor of what? Respawns or rage quits? You’ve definitely earned your tenure in both
: Always been your professor
: baxtaber, still nub!? =]
: fart run on !FREON! #1 xD
: https://www.you...
: my table UPDATE sorting of most relevant by have players in tracking and down will be without this feature https://www.tig...
: VIDEO - FLICK CHEATER? please tell me what you think about this?
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