g_botsFile read only
When i want to test custom bots on server i get this message : g_botsFile read only.
In the server.cfg :
seta g_botsFile "custombots.txt"
When i check \g_botsFile its empty " "
When added manualy in q3config.cfg, the bots dont come in (only normal bots), leaving Q3 and checking q3config .... g_botsFile empty again. (removed automaticly)
Online dedicated server works fine, on my PC i get this "read only" message.
(No write-protect on files, other variables are changed fine)
Can someone help me out ? Thankx in advance
If you use win7 64 bit like me then probably is windows fault coz lately it happens to me also with my quake 3 cfg. I try to change something and it doesnt. So try to find a way to let windows modify and save the file you want.
You have to put this seta g_botsFile "custombots.txt" to server cfg i think, at least worked for me, and dedicated 1-2 ofc.
With single player its never works properly :\ if you need help with setup local server i can send you .cfg and .bat
Nice work around Thor. I had this exact problem and never took time to figure out a solution. I always ran dedicated then joined which takes more time. So now I can run server.bat and all my custom bots join me.
Running XP sp3.... and altering other variables just works fine.
It's not the bots file itself but the CVAR which is acting up .
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