g_gametype ??
What is your favorite gametype ?
4 CTF is the one and only.
bah i hate CTF
1. FFA
2. TDM
3. Freeze
hmmm....i would say:
Only-Rail (but not everytime, sometimes i hate it ^^)
And what for a gametyp i hate is CWF, that sucks!!!!
well, mostly ffa, then tdm and then maybe freeze but i think CA is maybe better... dunno :-k
I'd have to say CTF. I started out on DM and then happened to come upon a server called Stinkynuts server about 2 years ago and fell in love with CTF ever since. I'm not real big on DM as I enjoy teamplay and stratgy more than anything.
gametype: 4
ctf all the wayyyyy!
mostly ffa. though i like ctf, it has more of a team tactics feeling to it ...
Gametype 4....(CTF)....With freindlyfire ON..... OOOOOOOOOPS...ma Guant hit ya in the back..?..LOL
Gametype: 4 , sometime FFa and a Quicky on SoD.MoD
mostly ffa. though i like ctf, it has more of a team tactics feeling to it ...
yes, thats right with ctf and i like more the singleplayer part in it IMO