Games for charity :D
The humble indie bundle is out. For those who don't no what this is it is games sold for a value you choose based on how mean or generous you decide to be. You also decide how much of the money you give go's to the indie devs, the website admin or charitys.
anyways here's the link
Now go do your bit for charity .
Ps: the games can be activated thru steam and desura.
Heres some vid i found
wonder if for iphone will work that out? hmmm
PS ok they work in iphone and ipad nice, i will not get borred anymore in airport during travels
there is that 1 game, where you need to drive a bus through nowhere endlessly.
they play that for days just for charity each year if i remember right Zzzz tired.
They have released thier next bundle it has the game frozen synpase which lloks to be a good tactical topdown shooter.
check it out here