i want to know that hisszy server is Freeze Tag but why does it comes in a list of TDM servers?
1st: Freeze is also TDM
2nd: Since when this server is E+? Means, if u would have had E+ loaded, you can sort also by "freeze". Since this server isn't E+, you do not have the option, since it wouldn't been displayed if u haven't loaded E+ mod.
Since when this server is E+? Means, if u would have had E+ loaded, you can sort also by "freeze". Since this server isn't E+, you do not have the option, since it wouldn't been displayed if u haven't loaded E+ mod.
Hiszy server has always been E+, since only the engine is modified. I think it appears in TDM servers because Hiszy wanted like that, so he probably hacked the gametype so it is more easily available for players.
how did he hacked that ?
i created Ftag.config file in pak0.pk3 and changed Gametype 8 to 3but that does not work beacause there are only 4 game type in q3 without any Mod.
than how does it work?
i didn't got any gametype.cfg file in excessive+.pak filesi uploaded 4 gametype file
I don't know how he made it, if you want more information ask him:
why there is than no "excessive" behind the mapname on that screen.
I dont accept for myself hacked/changed versions of e+ as e+. there is just one e+ for me.
how did he hacked that ?
i created Ftag.config file in pak0.pk3 and changed Gametype 8 to 3but that does not work beacause there are only 4 game type in q3 without any Mod.
than how does it work?
i didn't got any gametype.cfg file in excessive+.pak files
i uploaded 4 gametype file