: I hope you had a good reason to be absent. Get well soon, my friend.
: Impressive
: I am half Russian and half black. I'm black on the bottom half. Don't forget to lubricate your ass
: ok, bring it on analbolic hohol
: Come tomorrow to watch my battle with ShadyХУЙ at SexyFraggers 8 on central european, 22:00 Moscow time. He said he would win because he was a deft monkey. ХУЙ don't forget to put on makeup, I'll record us on video. You must be beautiful.
: broheim it is oke!!! I saw Moldova elections on the news, and referendum before that. HOPE life will get better (but nothing ever changes)
http://www.ledauphine.com/france-monde/2014/11/16/ni-tigre-ni-gros-chat-un-singe-capture-en-region-parisienne Vraiment excellent cette histoire! Dire que cela a mobilisé des 10ènes de poulets, des élicos.. pour un gros chat, ou un singe!!; alors que c'est surement une blage d'ados ou de vieux bourré. vous en pensez quoi vous?