gg Trickz

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Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
GB United Kingdom

Hi guys,

I just wanted to share this info with you.

ZIGZAG wrote:

HI guys
Yea thats right... Im w4m...

Good luck Trickz aka w4m. thanks for playing against us too.

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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

Toxic's picture
Joined: May 2006
gg Trickz

Big grin

(.I tried to be perfect ,but nothing was worth it I don't believe it make's me real.)

gg Trickz

heres my full post

HI guys
Yea thats right... Im w4m...
K, heres the story:
Bcuz of kinda inactivity of DA and cuz of no one cares about trainings/tactics i decided to check other clans... how is there? thats why i decided to join ANK as w4m (only trial) and after join full ank decide where i wanna be... If ank would get me, i could leave DA as trickz...

But after one week trial i started to think that im fucking jerk... and i love u guys... How could i do smth like this? How could i fucking fakenick and join other clan? Ehh i can do only thing right now...
Big sorry guys... I hope it will stay in DA clan... I could not tell u this but i hate lying... specially some1 who i like very much...

i beg for another chance, cuz i think u wanna kick me from clan...


i also told it to ANK guys, so they know it also

what can i say... just sry... but its only ur fault Reno Happy U better work more on ur clan... U dont care about DA

Piter's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
gg Trickz

u suck, trickz.

Joined: Apr 2005
gg Trickz

Just to clear some things up:

aNk did not know w4m = Trickz until later on and when we found out we told him the only way to try out for us was to quit DA properly using his real nick. We had no intent of stealing DA players on our own...he came to us.

Secondly, don't rush to set Trickz on fire, hes a nice dude who had good intentions, just expressed them in the wrong way. He's still young and such things happen. I told him he should take a little break and thing about what he RLY wants, then come to us so we can discuss. I see he finally did that so it could be a good sign, meaning he's willing to improve clan-wise.

I can only sympathize with DA on this matter as it surely felt like backstabbing, but don't let this put u guys down, u're still one of the fun clans to play with. And maybe in time you will be able to forgive Trickz for his rushed actions...

epykoi's picture
Joined: Jun 2007
gg Trickz


ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
gg Trickz

He approached us last week posing as an iu player trying e+ and even played rail heavy and without jumps and shit... we gave him tag but his apprenteship in ank ended 2 days ago after intra clan discussion when he revealed himself. Also if you communicated with your actual clan you would know i did an ip check on him and spoke to unreal on same day, and got his ips from trickz account and asked some questions bout ts...

also should i make some random thread from ank-wasp where Reno played as a guest? Imo even if he did join us, this doesnt concern entire community. We can add Irc logs, screenshots of pb scans and forum ip check as well as some msn logs (including one with unreal) but its none of your business Winking


nonsense repellent declamatory

Unreal's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
PL Poland
gg Trickz

ahaha... teh almighty admins will rape your ass now Trickz

RONiN wrote:

stage 1) i am in denial that girls exist on the internet, i think everyone is a guy
stage 2) i am in denial that everyone is real, i think you are all advanced bots
stage 3) i am in denial that the world is real, i think i am plugged into a machine
stage 4) i am in denial that machines actually exist, i think this is just one big dream
stage 5) i am in denial that i am capable of dreaming, i think my existence is fake
*poof* everything disappears.

no trickz in my signature anymore

epykoi's picture
Joined: Jun 2007
gg Trickz

So many low behaviours :roll:
I thought childhood was over mummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Crying

Here we go. C'mon guys throw stones in his face Chatterbox, lets lapidate that guy Chatterbox with all our hate Chatterbox

Meeeeeeeh you can do better.. I'm not sure this is usefull Thinking

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
gg Trickz

What's the point of this topic, again?

Piter's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
gg Trickz
madbringer wrote:

What's the point of this topic, again?

propably DA wants to point multiclaning ass Big grin