graphic lags
check com_hunkmegs value,maybe it got resetted to 56.Put it to 128 or 192.
Make sure no resource hungry applications are running when u play and turn of all autoupdate shit [including microsofts automatic updates]
thanks, i checked those out but it doesnt fix it. I think its something to do with monitor Hz???? its so frustrating, because it happened all of a sudden.
4 questionmarks don't make the question better
lol i was frustrated, and thought that the extra 3 ?'s would show the urgency of my question
Sure that its not sync problems Hard? Im to tired to write a post about it but you know where to find me if you want help.
Reno if you have problems with refresh, then you probably have an ati card.
get a refresh rate fix, cant remember the exact link atm.
google is your friend