Graphics out of phase when the teams are locked
Good Morning,
What kind of problem?
Graphic overlays, the console is superimposed on the chat and the game.
Difficulty in control of the game.
This bug happens when:
1) a player has been frozen
2) a player just joined his team
3) a player is not invited
4) a team make a score point
Weird solution, that can't be a solution:
a player have to click to save his sight, so that he can spectate his alive team mate.
When the m8 is killed, the bug comes again.
Here is a screenshoot. I hope you will keep an eye on it. Thanks
it might be some issue with excessive versions like you have older one
Something with your baseq3 folder.
I have that problem also
Many people have this problem, me included
try r_fastsky 1
try minimal config.
Quake3 only with quake3.exe and pak0-8
e+ only with z-xp-2_0a, 2_1 and 2_2b
copy ur actual cfg.
The first time that it happened, some other m8 had this problem too, and told me to click.
My ideas and content for E+:
- PlusN tips: How to set your keyboard & mouse
- Excessive Plus Future - Join Volunteers Team
- Excessiveplus stand alone project and ideas
.DoK. Clan® founder/leader since October 2008 ©..DoK. Clan Trailer <-- Thanks to DoK SoftAir.

Throphy: 3rd place AFC 2010.
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