HAI CERN - you maeks black holes, rite? keke kill me psl
just heard that CERN is going to attempt creating black holes, which could result in (almost) infinite energy for all the planet, wormholes in the time-space-blabla which might make it possible to travel in time (LOL!) or lets you shake aliens' hands ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
funny part: sceptics think those black holes might "eat" the whole world within 50 months
somebody got any links, inputs on this topic?
I got some, but on croatian...
Nifty stuff, I have a relative that works at CERN.
Black Holes are still pure fictional construction ...
same as "Black Matter".
The equations end in different results than the real world or experiments show ...thats why scientists are inventin such theoretical structures (like Black Holes) that have exactly the needed properties ...to cause or explain such differences/deviations (of the equations).
But those differences are mostly caused by the fact that...
the "natural constants" (like light-speed and gravitational constant)
are NO constants ...they differ (even on this planet)!!!
With some changes on those equations ...
those wrong results/ mistakes are gone ...
and such theoretical structures (like BlackHole and BlackMatter)
become superfluous!
Further ...there was never 1 PROVEN Black Hole! (:
There's a detailed article about it here.
Interesting stuff.
2bh im surprised considering the hypothetical "dangers" that there arent any people concerned by the consequences... I am a little
And the only thing in "general media" ive seen/heard bout this was random jokes bout headcrabs on bash.org.ru
Yeah so earth will get destroyed, OH NOES.
And the only thing in "general media" ive seen/heard bout this was random jokes bout headcrabs on bash.org.ru
awesome, headcrabs turn the clothes of the people into white t-shirts
Yeah so earth will get destroyed, OH NOES.
so thats.... 2531 ways to destroy earth? xD
Id like to think we'd just get sucked in a parralel universe where everyone is naturally very very high and all our deisres are fulfilled and there's no aggro or paranoia.
Or maybe that's the proverbial apple that adam and Eve ate to be cast out of Eden... altho this isn't heaven, its more like Purgatory here anyway so there nothign to fear
was the time for another die earth story .. yea im like cmon .. what does ppl do for advertise .geez