Each map has its own life, and so has this one!
Read the news-report from 1931, an interview with Dr. Rutherford:
"Haunted" is a small Sanatorium for private patients.
And its a very quiet house for the HighSociety and special guests
to have some quiet days and relax.
Even Mr. Berger was always very quiet and polite, and also generous.
Till that one night, when Dr. Carmack was out of the house.-
Mr. Berger went like crazy, tossin chairs and stuff and smashin the windows.
The other patients began to rumor too.
Then he ate all the fishes in the showCase, and we decided to lock him in cell 5.
He started makin insane screams, that i have never heard before...
as if he were talkin with different voices.
We all hope for Dr. Carmack to come back,
and then everything could take its usual course."

maybe there will be someone makin a lil youTube-vid of it!? <:
ye, why not. i can record.
i want u on MSN :F i created 1min long video. i hope u like it, cuz that was my first time making video like this. mybe its better if i PM u on E+ forum.
its great map kid ! thank you!
when i play it, sometimes i can see windows appearing from nowhere .. it feels HAUNTy

new version - new link!
Uploaded on our server dark|team & ZMB war serevr
a short video about Haunted...
nice promote video dibe....
maybe there will be someone makin a lil youTube-vid of it!? <:
Kid´s Showcase