Hearthstone anyone?
Yo all, any hearthstone players here?
playing might&magic : duel of champions, wayyy much better , more in-depth combat , better scaling . Basically its 2 times better and it's free. ( one of my irl mates showed me the game (hearthstone) , but i honestly dislike it )
Heartstone i play for less then a week (just got it).
And for now its free cause it's in beta but i'm not sure i will pay for it, since i'm focusing on other games.
My bnet tag: [ToBeWrittenWhenKnown]
I am installing it just now because I used to kick ass in Etherlords II many years ago and I had great wars there with my friend from real world. It's going to be continued in Heathstone
Add me! My battle.net tag is felixtheman#2900. I really love the sound of my battle.net tag.
Just installed and played a few games and I must say it's amazing! Make sure to add my battle.net if you are looking for a guy to play with
Any Arkhan#2461 sent me an invite?
If your nick is different than known e+ nicknames make sure you leave a message before you're going to send an invitation.