hello all i'm new hir on this forum but i got a question. can some 1 tell me how can i mayke my name longer cause this 1 guy had a name "some thing like this "Ghostfact3r" and evry leter was a difrent color. can some 1 tell me plz how did he do that. plz
for names u can also use the qname tool! its in your e+ folder
edit your config in excessiveplus folder, open it with wordpad and then find
[code:1] seta name "....." [/code:1] and replace ..... by the name you created !
btw create a topic for this is a kind of waste forum space i think, it's faster and easyer for you to ask a player on a server, 90% of ppl playing know this basic stuff
q3config file is changed everytime you execute an other config. It's the current config used by the program.
So to keep this settings while executing the config, create your own config if it isn't done yet, give it a name, change the "seta name" in and execute it while playing ( /exec configname)
remember u cant use spaces in your name
and 1 more thing, in excessive + how can i change cfg, cause it's all ways default.cfg. how can i change it. plz all help in in thes 2 questions.