Hi, I posted this same article in the other topic, but nobody helped me
I was hoping if I post it here I might have more response, I know I have so many questions and its really long, but i'd really really appreciate the help. Thank ooooo
I downloaded excessive and put it in my Quake III Arena folder, so that excessive was in there, i also read the manual. When i start up quake, i press the desktop icon and then go to mods and l press on excessive to load up excessive. (now you know what I mean by total noobie here are my problems:
Everything I type is EXACTLY what I type in the console while Im playing (the console you bring down with ¬ under the escape button so that if there are errors in what Im typing you can correct me.
7 Questions....
1. The manual says that the .CFG files run using a different syntax, but the 4 .cfg files in the conf/ folder (default.cfg, mrpants.cfg, railonly.cfg and vanilla.cfg) in the excessive that I downloaded use the old syntax. I managed to load vanilla.cfg using /exec conf/vanilla.cfg in the console while i was playing by restarting the arena however when i downloaded xp.cfg i couldnt load it this way, and when I tried loading using /rcon load <conf> i also tried /rcon load conf/xp.cfg and same problem. /load conf/xp.cfg said didnt recognise /load.
This is what it says in the console:
bad rcon from loopback
no password set on server
How do I load xp.cfg type config files?
2. When i was editing the vanilla.cfg in the conf/ folder of excessive (one of the pre set up config files in excessive)
set ex_multi_jumps "5"
set ex_health_regen "200" [I did this myself]
set ex_health_regen_amount "1" [I did this myself]
I set the regenerate health amount, but when i load this .cgf using /exec conf/vanilla.cfg, the health does NOT regenerate
3. When I was editing weapons in the vanilla.cfg file
set ex_rlammo "100"
set ex_rlCycle "400"
set ex_rlDamage "100"
set ex_rlSDamage "100"
set ex_rlRegen "500" [I did this myself]
The rocket launcher ammo (same for all the other weapons) does NOT regenerate, i.e count up, like it does when I normally load up excessive
4. When i set up a server so that my friends can join, how do i load up this configuration, i.e vanilla.cfg (old syntax) so that it will be activated when I'm playing, it will not be a dedicated server as i will be playing from my comp too. Do I have to use the new syntax file, and if so how do I load them up in the console? (i.e what are the EXACT things that I have to type in into the console at WHAT STAGE?)
5. When i load up excessiveplus using mods in the Quake III arena menu and then bring down the console, /xp_oldscoreboard does not work, i tried /set xp_oldscoreboard 1 as well, and it still didnt work, how do I get back the old scoreboard?
6. /set xp crosshaircolor 7 didnt work either, I want the old white cross hair
7. If i set up a server on the net and Im using a router, and I have enables port forwarding, how do I find out which IP adress to use (I heard its the WAN IP adress you have to use, is this true?) to give to my friends, and what port number would it be 27960?
I think thats about it for now, sorry for asking what seems to be just obvious stuff, I tried looking around but I couldn't get the answers anywhere, and the commands i type in from the excessiveplus manual doesn't seem to work so I dont know what im doing wrong.
Thanks to anyone that took the time to read all of this!!!
Well you did miss the thread with the first one, but the reason you got no replies was saturday night. Most people were out in the city
Im off to bed now, when i get back ill give you some answers, unless someone does it first
dude, u r speaking about excessiveplus "light" (command ex), this is an addon from xp-team for mr pants excessive overkill.
if u want make an xp-server u should read first, otherwise u should maybe ask maybe failure from FM he knows all stuff about excessiveplus-light, or conatct .
if u want to make a real excessiveplus-server, reas
yep all help is in the documents.
my advice is, dload finished server configs, both can be found for the bro side cfgs: plus.cfg on 2!S site, bro-xp.cfg on MR clan site, and nh.cfg on drt site.
e5 you already have, if you want e5r dload it from this forum, it has been posted within past few days (search).
nwc+.cfg can be downloaded from nwc site.
im not sure about deex.cfg or gods.cfg (probably on phc site and HK site)
bro_xp.cfg and full server for download her
If you want to find the ip try this
lol ok thanks!!!