Help with server set up
I rent a server and I need to know what I need to put on the server to make the game run. This game is different than the ones I have set up before.
I am use to putting the qagame.qvm , pak3 flie and a config for GMHook
or the Q3.qst file , pak3 flie and a config for Beryllium. These are simple games to set up and run.
E+ has 3 qvm files
Do they all need to go on the server?
Do the scrips need to be on the server?
Is all I have to put on the server is the xp-1.01-beta pak1.pak3 or do I need something from xp-1.0 zip file?
Could someone email me a config with a map rotation to use untill I can figure out how to make my own? Or point me to some custom ones.
Thanks for any help.
Garfield is copyrighted to Jim Davis, and was modified by GibletGrinder (a.k.a. z-monster)
HeHeHe Giblet. Sorry. This is exactly the pac u ned
lol, maybe you need to put giblet on the MR charge of public relations
Don't worry Frank, that was just my way of welcoming you to the ExcessivePlus community.
Are you renting your server from Escaped Turkey?
If you are then installing E+ will be the same as the other mods. Just make sure you have both xp 1.0 & 1.01 added.
Dont be affraid to ask anymore questions...I don't bite :twisted:
He He,
I saw your posts while searching the boards for an answer. So I figured I'd get it too. It is rather funny. We have 3 Excaped Turkey and one private server.
So it seems that I just upload it all and run a config. I can run one on my home puter. But was not getting any good results on the game server.
I'll try again tonight. If it don't work I'll be back
...have fun...