high cpu useage after hdd 'crash'
yea, yesterday i was moving plenty of stuff on my harddisk, though somehow it started going nuts.
in fact, it sounded like as if an car accelerates and bumps off a wall just to accelerate to bump in the wall behind it to bump on.
whats most odd of it, if i try to access it in any way, its very slow and same time, my cpu useage goes up and slows down whole system.
anyone ever had a problem like this?
Perhaps it good solution for the trouble:
check drive for bad blocks and defragment your drive.
Big fragmented files on copying use expensive algorythm of moving, because read parts of files from far located clusters.
High cpu usage in i/o-operations means that your drive probably working in PIO mode instead of DMA, check your hdd channel properties in ControlPanel->System->Hardware->DeviceManager->IDE/SATAcontrollers(or similar)
Run this program http://stargaz0r.nm.ru/files/getsmart05b19.zip create and post SMART report somewhere
Do not try do defragment because if your hdd is damaged then it will degrade even more
you do not right Cyrax.
Degrade happens if he will defragment drive without bad blocks checking.
First BB check, then defragment. Logic?
overheating during the transfer and logical bad sectors might occurred or only errors of data
i do no think hdd started suddenly to work with other mode than previously unless skull messed things up in bios or system
download hd tune make benchmark, if it will crush u probably have bad sectors on hard drive, to ensure turn error test in hd tune to scan the surface
if there are bad sector u might to try eliminate them by doing low level hdd format, the feature can be found in hd tune pro (30days trial, enough to do the job)
but before that check every other aspect, if the voltages of psu are stable and correct, if the cable is not damaged, if this motherboard have no problems with other hdd's, if yours pc is fully stable
[quick wrote:"]you do not right Cyrax.
Degrade happens if he will defragment drive without bad blocks checking.
First BB check, then defragment. Logic?High cpu usage cannot be caused by fragmentation even on very slow cpu's because it is hdd cable/dma problems.
Its better to look on SMART - if there is reallocated sectors/etc then hdd health is low and hdd should be replaced as fast as possible. Then badblock scan, but hdd's with badblocks shouln't be used anyway
That fuck may happen if:
- your sata cable has damage or cracked because of temperature (UDMA CRC errors in smart) You may have to check about this using this boot-iso with victoria software: http://hdd-911.com/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=31;
- your HDD has serious problems with Reallocated Sectors Count due to almost broken head or plate (verify with the same as above) or total overheating.
- your sata/pata controller driver is blown off or partially damaged by the malware for example (check this with sysinternals suite http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx for high load for Deferred Procedure Calls - higher than 3-5%) while on copy/move operations.
And need to warn you, dont even try to make any logics (FS) checks or defragmentations as per guys above advise you! Otherwise you will have lost in data.
kind of need 3 mins and a lot of cpu useage for 333 mb file from hdd a to b.
is it an external USB disk ?
both harddisk run ide stable since at least 3 years for now, it really just started after i copied around 30 gb from a to b (all other writing of a lot of data was without problems before).
sry, cant do any checks now, copieing 2 gb of demos from b to a
Im interesting in myself. Please do the tests asap, publish or PM me. Ok?
dont get me wrong guys, i dont think there is any kind of bad sector, especially because beside the fact its very slow and slows down my pc it works quite perfect yet.
kind of need 3 mins and a lot of cpu useage for 333 mb file from hdd a to b.
will do the test as soon as i find the time for it which will take some time
hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."