How dimension E+ Server
23. January 2006 - 11:14
How wide bandwith is necesery per one player in kbit ? Or how manny players can play on 512 kbit symetric ? How manny memory need it per one player ? And at last how powerfull processor need for server ?
I like to got answers on that questions from experianced people: BRO, MR people, moveq....
Thank You in advance.
23. January 2006 - 12:58
How dimension E+ Server
check here - its an easy calculation
23. January 2006 - 14:28
How dimension E+ Server
on bro servers and 2!sweet its set to 20000 or 25000
sounds hell jea but the servers run over a 100Mbit connection or higher!
jep max 5000 u can use. test it. and plz report here then.
ram per user ?! is there a cmd - isnt it or?
u mean ram per server maybe - "com_hunkmegs"
i use 75 there.
Thats mean if I have 512 kbit connection I can on sv_maxrate 5000 settings connect 12 people ?
You said that is good sv_maxrate between 5000 and 10000. I am curious how big that parametar is on BRO servers and 2!sweet if You know that ?
What about RAM per user ?
- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...