How Do I get an Icon???????????
Reply 2 me as soon as u can!!
What icon?
\cg_drawicons 1
you need to be more specific....but ill use my ESP powers and assume you mean a forum icon .......and the answer is, follow the directions . If you didnt mean forum icon dont read this post.
a vague answer to a vague question
Or you meant a 16-th century greek-catholic sacral icon? If so, please be prepared for troubles when crossing the border
Actually I think his question is really "How do I become an icon???????????"
Well to that is simple, play & practice, practice, practice!!
Challenge the best players & beat them...
Only then will you become a true icon for all to admire
I igree whit you Giblet
yerp...i read between your lines......but did you read mine?

the answer is, follow the directions
its all there...just do what it says.....and if you really need the bottom of the page in your profile....
I needed a forum icon sorry for the vague question but I think I am being specific enough for your understanding.

Hamza Bile