* How Do You Spend Your Free Time? *
Hello Community! Today I realized that I live life in a wrong way. I do pretty much things but I don't feel satisfaction and I still don't have a GF. It's totally sucks. But it's my problems. Let's leave them with me
So, here I want to know how do you spend your free time - weekends / holidays.
It's some kind of a research
On my free time I usually read philosophical, psychological books - Nitszhe, Freid etc., MEN'S HEALTH Journal, playing Airsoft on weekends, going to Kung Fu training, studying play on a classical guitar, studying play GO, e+, Internet browsing, music and if the weather is good then I play basketball. Also I go to pool, theater, restaurant and hang out with friends. That's my main free time activity.
Also maybe some advices or hints to make life more productive and/or better.
For example, Epsi suggested me to start practising Brainstorming
for example u can start learn to juggle, i started.. but damn its hard
Sounds like you do a lot of things, but you are not having fun? How old are you?
How i spend my freetime:
1. With additional work beside my job (just to be able to pay a house soon, average/normal house in germany 225.000 - 250.000 €)
2. Girlfriend (The same for 11 years now, i am 29)
3. A lot of swimming to avoid getting fat (cant run or something because of damaged legs, played 11 years handball)
4. Cinema, TV, Friends
5. And further 1.000 triffles, to trivial to point them out
6. Playing on PC, but less and lesser
- Playing Computer games ( quake and dota mostly)
- Listening to music
- Watching some Videos (anime , futurama, southpark etc )
- Playing the piano or keyboards
- Web surfing and chatting
- idling
- Swimming
- Visiting friends
- my gf
- going out with friends for not something specific
- sometimes going out alone
- playing music with a friend ( or at least we try xD )
I want also to add that I and my friends don't drink too much ... I just say that cause I see a tendency around here where people go out for drink and drink till they get drunk and loose their body and mind control .. well I suppose this is fun for some people but not for me !
One beer accompanied by 2 souvlaki gyros = my best choice for evenings at friends home
- playing quake3 and cod4 about half hour a day sometimes
- school
- sleep
- on fridays meeting with friends
thats all
PS and ofc im sitting on front of my monitor and checking same websites for hours
i dont do anything interesting, im not satisfied about anything... you are not alone gasp
PS2 maybe i'll go out and drink a beer
PS3 last time i find myself in boucing ball against the wall but god damn ball disappeard
after work:
- creating websites
- looking for new job
- being with my gf
- watching tv
- being with friends in pub
we are travelling and visiting places where we werent (never or long time)
visiting relatives/friends
mo-fri: about 2-4 hours a day i read books (train travel time)
at home i mostly waste my time with xbox (not much), q3 (not much anymore) and ofc some stupid senseless internet surfing. But i guess most of the times I hang out with friends, watch movies/cinema (or lately naruto episodes ) with them or do some special stuff (photograph, thermal bath, whatever comes to our minds).
fri-sun: always party, houseparties, technoclubs, jazzclubs, notsooften rock clubs, bars and last times very often poker... always under some influence^^
usually i'm wasted half of the week cuz of the weekends, but i wanna change it (or not? )
start a fightclub.
I spend my free time on trainings (Judo, Box, shooting) and majority of time i drink alco with friends...
20. Ohh cmo'n I don't want you to help me getting my things ok. I know how to fix everything it's just all in my stupid head. Just tell me how do You spend your free time.