How famous is the person above you?!
Du vil ikke si meg hva de greiene betyr... Husker ikke setningen, din gjøk!
"U don't want to tell me what these things means.. Don't remember the sentence, u gauk!" I said.
Knullehuve, think it means fuckhead
I fallow gladi,keep english on forum pls
dunno who you are
but that might be coz i aint been on this forum for 4months
ig i had a nickel for every time I saw a strongbow-guzzling bass-player in a good band
Don't do so mean against korgath (What the fuck did you say btw? couldn't read shit of it, keep the forums clean please by talking normal English like we all do )
Knulle Huve or somthing, what did it mean again Lakitu?
*Hunting Gladi and Lakitu now! I am hunting Gladi becouse he is evil, and I am hunting Lakitu becouse he is stupid :P*
0/10 U gotta tell me what it means!
0/10 U gotta tell me what it means!
no, I will nevet tell you what that means!
>: O FU!
Thanks for telling me what knullehuve means, and you are it btw. also
@Korgath, stop hunting me I aint evil :twisted:
dont really know him, except that hes good in freeze