How fast inet You have ?
Currently paying 28 Euros aprox for a 4mbit/1mbit but i can't transfer that to home since there is no service on my area yet.
ADSL: Currently 2 mbit down and 0,25 mbit up, for 45 €
In August i get a 20 mbit down and 1 mbit up cabelconnection for 19 €/Month.
yes and yes
But i still think to get a 30 mbit down 2 mbit up cabel connection incl. digitital tv with 40 channels for 49 €/month
well, it is a 2 years old contract. i demanded to reduce the price to the current prices, but they said no, contract is contract. so i did quit contract immidiatly and have to w8 till august. after i did quit, they beg me to stay, and asked why i did quit. i said, because they did not reduce prices. they said np, i can have it now for 20 €, than i said NO, i get now a 10 times better connection for 20 €.
When I buy ADSL connection I have 256/64 kBit. Then after while my provider up speed on 512/128 kBit then again 1024/196 kBit then again 1024/256 kBit then 2048/256 kBit and don't ask more money
Yesterday they send to me news and the will now up speed on 4096/256 kBit for free Very nice from them.SO, NOW I HAVE 4096/256 kBit and i pay for flat about 21 € on month.
Same here more or less. Only I have something in addition - maxTV from T-com. And since I got myself that service my dl/upload went up:
- DL by 4 mbit increased - total 6mbit (this extra 4 can not be used for net surfing)
- UL from 256kbit to 768kbit (and its fully usable for internet sending).
That was all before this new initiative to increase our DL speed by double for no extra paying. Now I have 4mbit DL and around 360kbit upload. Yep, they started to separate those 2 channels (surfing and maxTV) for upload so ppl cant use the whole bandwidth. Shame...but its ok, I still have more than 256kbit upload but pay price for that 256 one.
Since T-scum ...I mean T-com have too expensive prices for internet traffic I connect myself to the internet using password from some other Cro provider (Optima telekom is the name)
I pay 9.5 € for 25 GB of traffic which is more than enough for my needs.
Overall, 10 € for adsl instalation (speed) every month + 9.5 € for traffic.
+ price for maxTV service (that counts since it increases my upload speed for no extra cost to the primary price )...
There...I know its complicated a bit...or not, but only long to read but thats how its like here in CRO
wow cant you just pay XXX euros for unlimited internet?
atm i pay £17 (UK) which roughly same as euros i think with the exchange rate etc. but for that, i get a minimum of 10-16 megs unlimited.
I pay 40E for unlimited phone calls (60 mins. of mobile) + international calls and 24Mbit/1Mbit aDSL Internet. (Though i'm far away fro the dslam and my router syncs @ 11Mbit/1Mbit)
When I buy ADSL connection I have 256/64 kBit. Then after while my provider up speed on 512/128 kBit then again 1024/196 kBit then again 1024/256 kBit then 2048/256 kBit and don't ask more money
Yesterday they send to me news and the will now up speed on 4096/256 kBit for free Very nice from them.
SO, NOW I HAVE 4096/256 kBit and i pay for flat about 21 € on month.
Please post Your inet speed, and how much money You pay for that, and how You pay by data or flat rate. Any changes for you since your last post ?
- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...