How much ? :)
Just simple questions
1. How much do u sleep/day
2. How much do u play quake/day
3. How much do u study/work per day
..The question can go further and further
The idea is to see how other manage their ussualy time every day . Im looking ( can say another life ) but to change something in it . I started quite good
1. 7-11 hrs a day (this is bound to change when i go back to uni 2moro)
2. 2-7 hrs a day (ditto)
3. 0 hrs (ditto x 2)
Will post in a week's time, reminisin bout the times when i could do points 1 - 3 that much/litle
I Sleep an average of 6 hours a night.
I work an average of 10 hours a day.
I play Quake 3.5 hours a day during work week and 5 to 7 hours on Saturday and Sunday.
Lately i sleep ~10 hours a day.
I study/work (like stuff for univercity and/or web designing, php etc.) for 4-10 hours.
And quake playing like 0.5 hour per day? Really depends on day of a week. Recently it just happens i turn out at server, trying to keep form, it just dont bite me as before. Maybe it will change before TDM league, we'll see. :roll:
1. Total random chaos. To be precise - from 2 to 15 hours.
2. Total random chaos v2. From 0 to 12 hours.
3. Total random chaos v3 . From 1 to 24 hours.
I Sleep an average of 6 hours a night.
I work an average of 10 hours a day.
I play Quake 3.5 hours a day during work week and 5 to 7 hours on Saturday and Sunday.
oh holy mother of god
well i sleep usually 8 hours cause of school, and sometimes almost not at all
i play quake maybe an hour a day, lately almost not at all
and well studying/working.. really cant tell. but i spend a lot of time thinking of how much i have to study
1. How much do u sleep/day
2. How much do u play quake/day
3. How much do u work/day
cca 6 - 7 hours
cca 2 - 3
cca 8.5 - 9.5
6-7 hours
hmm :-k dunno dont play everyday. but when i play
9 hours
sleep 4-12hours a day
quake.... 0-3hours a day
study 30mins-8hours a day
Sleep: 0-20 hours per day
Quake: 0-2 hours per day
Study: Never
how all of u can sleep 6-7 hours ? . I can sleep too 6hours sometimes , but medium its 9 to me .. Playing quake 1-1,5 h and school - 7 hours + homeworks and learning + 2 = 9 ..
Do u sleep and wake up , just like that ? (@6hours) or u put ur watch to ring or something else to distract u from sleep? . I m good now cause on summer i sleeped 12 h at least
liquid funk!