How much tea do you drink?
5. June 2004 - 6:08
Caffeine freak!
16% (24 votes)
6-8 cups of coffee
7% (11 votes)
3-5 cups of coffee
10% (16 votes)
1-2 cups of coffee
10% (16 votes)
What the heck is tea?
20% (31 votes)
36% (56 votes)
Total votes: 154
5. June 2004 - 17:28
How much tea do you drink?
it says coffe, so I voted for 3-5 cups a day. Rarely drink tea though.
18. June 2004 - 23:27
i like beer, can i have some
19. June 2004 - 1:10
go up
the beer go up go go go
20. June 2004 - 0:43
tea is a good old english drink and its good lol so lets all drink it
20. June 2004 - 9:46
How much tea do you drink?
Becks, Warsteiner, Holsten Pilsner, Hochstift, Will Bier, Jever, Krombacher...must I say more? (<-- only my favorite beers
20. June 2004 - 10:56
How much tea do you drink?
Heineken ...
20. June 2004 - 12:18
How much tea do you drink?
We need a new poll, anyone got an idea?
20. June 2004 - 12:31
How much tea do you drink?
German beers.. nah, give me an english ale
OR a Lapin Kulta
20. June 2004 - 12:33
How much tea do you drink?
Make one that doesnt says "tea" in the question and then "coffe" as only alternatives
Tea; The beverage tea is an infusion made by steeping the dried leaves or buds of the shrub Camellia sinensis in hot water. Tea may also include other herbs, spices, or fruit flavors.
A herbal or fruit "tea" that contains no tea leaves is more properly called an infusion or tisane. Such beverages, and leaves to be used to prepare them, are often sold as "teas" however. In some cases, such as "camomile tea," there is no other accepted name.