How remove effects shoting ?
17. December 2005 - 2:50
How remove effects shoting by shot gun or plasma gun or etc ?
17. December 2005 - 5:40
How remove effects shoting ?
cg_railtrailtime 0
but this will effect your rail and shotgun, for the plasma i dont think it can be turned off
17. December 2005 - 13:56
How remove effects shoting ?
how will you dodge plasma shots if you remove them?
btw to remove lightning its something like "cg_truelightning 10000000000000" or some other really big number
17. December 2005 - 16:18
How remove effects shoting ?
xp_noMip 000
17. December 2005 - 17:19
How remove effects shoting ?
Nice avatar mate lol
17. December 2005 - 17:38
How remove effects shoting ?
i dont want to open another threadso il ask it here
are there any commands to change brightnes of the model and gamma and such stuff
17. December 2005 - 17:41
How remove effects shoting ?
e+ manual ==>>
It is good but it remove rail also. It isnt good for rail...but shot gun is removed good .
Thx anyway
If someone know to remove plasma and lighting gun ?