How to disable custom bots?

4 replies [Last post]
Joined: Aug 2014

Hi guys,

I'm running an insta server, but having a problem with the custom bots that are sometimes added to the game. For instance, "argus+" is much stronger than the other bots, although "g_spskill" is the same for him. Therefore I'd like to disable non-standard bots or find a way to define precisely which bots it should use.

Not finding anything in the docs, scouring Google a bit, I've come up with this, which does not have any effect:

<main config:>

set g_botsfile "bots-instagib.cfg"


	name		Sabbath
	model		xaero
	aifile		bots/xaero_c.c
	name		Opeth
	model		orbb
	aifile		bots/orbb_c.c
	name		Cheech
	model		tankjr
	aifile		bots/lakerbot_c.c
	name		Chong
	model		uriel
	aifile		bots/uriel_c.c




Joined: Aug 2014
Re: How to disable custom bots?


According to this topic I'm not doing anything wrong:

Or is there perhaps a debug mode for the config? Since there is no console output for config parsing errors by default it's kindof trial and error right now.

Thor-NL's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: How to disable custom bots?

Well, i am not completly sure about it, that's why i am hisitant to reply ....

Way back i had simular issues, and i think it was this, when booting up the game first classic q3 is loaded after that excessive is loaded on top. so q3config.cfg from baseq3 first, then q3config.cfg from excessive.
The bots cvar is readonly, and it gets loaded with the classic q3 tries to change the cvar but it's not allowed ....
So each time standard bots .....
Put your seta g_botsFile "whatever.txt" in the q3config.cfg in the baseq3 directory. Then it already loads it with booting and you don't have trouble with the readonly-flag.

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Thor-NL's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: How to disable custom bots?

Nice, no feedback if this worked ... or not, GG!

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Fragenstein's picture
Joined: Apr 2011
US United States
Re: How to disable custom bots?
THOR*ELITE'Z* wrote:

Well, i am not completly sure about it, that's why i am hisitant to reply ....

Way back i had simular issues, and i think it was this, when booting up the game first classic q3 is loaded after that excessive is loaded on top. so q3config.cfg from baseq3 first, then q3config.cfg from excessive.
The bots cvar is readonly, and it gets loaded with the classic q3 tries to change the cvar but it's not allowed ....
So each time standard bots .....
Put your seta g_botsFile "whatever.txt" in the q3config.cfg in the baseq3 directory. Then it already loads it with booting and you don't have trouble with the readonly-flag.

I have been trying to get this to work. In Windows 7 directories baseq3 and excessiveplus are created in C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\Quake3 A file q3config_server.cfg is created in the excessiveplus directory after starting the server. I have seta g_botsFile "ffa_bots.txt" in server.cfg, but it always appears as seta g_botsFile "" in the q3config_server.cfg. I have made sure the ffa_bots.txt is NOT read only, but the server just won't load the file Sad