How to lock the opponents skin?
Hi guys.i'm italian.I'm sorry for my poor've a problem.I want to lock the color of the oppents team in green fluo,independently of the original team color(red or blue).I want to see my opponets green fluo and my team white,always!Anyone can give me the commands for my .cfg?
/xp_enemycolors 22222

/xp_enemycolors 22222
yes, this one ,and you can also use next
/xp_enemyModel tankjr (to have green fat enemy model)
/xp_enemySound keel (to get LOUDER keel enemy green fluorescent model xd)
you need to make your own model a /xp one
model "sarge/xp"
seta xp_colors "77777"
seta cg_forcemodel "1"
seta xp_enemymodel "tankjr/xp"
seta xp_enemycolors "22222"
/xp_enemycolors "iiiii"
here's a tip, write in you console.
xp_enemy then press tab and you'll see all comands releated to enemy.
and enemy coulours go like this 22222, rail1, lower, upper, head, rail2.
(rail colour 2 usually appears when you cg_oldrail is 2)
I try this and work great.Thanks guys!