How to play on the Beta Servers
Edy is now running some open beta server for the public.
IP:, (see spider)
Location: Europe, Netherlands
To connect there you have to:
* Backup your old "quake3/excessiveplus" directory
* Remove the "quake3/excessiveplus/pak0.pk3" (and all similar) file(
* Connect and have fun on the server
Of course you would not be able to see any client-side changes but you can test the gameplay. Also everything isn't possible with server-side only so be prepared for some prediction errors.
Nice. Powerups that are moveble. After callvote nextmap, im not able to login again .
I just played on the new beta server, those homing bazookas are sweeeeeeeeeeeet :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: .
and the bouncing railgun is way to cool
also the second beta server run now for some weeks and run ctf
ip port 27960 whit xp.cfg thats the best conf for ctf
hi when i connect to 1 of the servers it says only for low pings. I have low ping but high in europe. Can u plz get the cap of 200 ping off the servers so i can try it out?
Regards W Term.
I got a client mismatch error saying it is only for Excessive +
any ideas on where I went wrong?
read above what to do too play on the beta servers

read above what to do too play on the beta servers
I followed the instructions and got the client mismatch error
hence the question

read above what to do too play on the beta serversI followed the instructions and got the client mismatch error
hence the question
Well I'm still getting 'Client/Server Mismatch' after following the instructions above.
This is happening when I type server details within the game itself or attempt to join via the All Seeing Eye.
Any else got this problem? - or preferably a solution. :roll:
You have to follow the above steps.
Otherwise you'll be kicked with "Please update your Excessive Plus version to play on this server."