how to start a mutiarena server
How i change my server cfg??? soz i making it 1 time
... :oops:
so has any server running this thing to test it?
does this also mean you cant have a rotation but just one multiarena map?
I've done some testing and settings in server.cfg apply to arenas. How could I create a rotation with Rocket Arena maps (ra3map1, ra3map2, etc) with an hour delay? The timelimit apply to arenas, and not to maps.
Where are Adler & Parasight ? I did not see any inputs on forums from tham ages... :roll:
I dont know about Adler, but Para is alive and kicking, and gave up on e+ completely.
Every now and then i tell Anemic to spank Para and talk him into getting back
Every now and then i tell Anemic to spank Para and talk him into getting back
para quit e+, due to work etc, also he says e+ is waste of time, i already tried slapping ane
no chance
and adler, who knows, last time i seen him he was laggy like hell.
thx nihil. but that was clear for me like u see i add a config for start such a server... so the basic system is set, only some extra settings
un: jupp right it sux. cause that i ask to load rotation
but anyway i like the idea with multiarena support - and the +team do a good job
- pb files and info
- server configs and config builder
- maps
- e+ spider
- and more