HYPER 4:0 G-UNIT/03.08.2006/RANKED
thanks g unit for playing.
oups: forgot:
RANKED / 3. august 19o clock GMT +2
game 1:
(TDm plus cfg fraglimit 200)
game 2:
(TDm rail only fraglimit 200)
(freeze plus.cfg limit: 15)
(freeze plus.cfg limit:15)
we do not recommend to play with G-unit, we were accused as cheaters all the time, they did not listen to us, ignored us, and were unorganized. and they didnt use say_team after pleasing them about 20 times.
ive got a demo of me playing if any1 wants to see that im not cheating
and another spectator said he made a demo, he was fakenicking, so no idea who he was i hope he will tell us here soon.
gg Hyper
...just ignore the youthness of G-Unit. Hyper does not need that
hi hyper, i had the nickname JustAspectator, but did tell who i am!
Anyways, i recorded the last game, but the file is broken (can't do nothing, tryed to publish it the way it is, but can't, if i touch it i get a win. error ), wht an irony!
But with all do respect, Hyper did not cheat in anyway, i spectated from the begining, sry that i can't provide the demo, but i have some troubles with q3.
I don't know how much my word is worth here, but HYPER DID NOT CHEAT!
That's all!
on server was PB enable and PURE
i think we dont need any proofs .
& gg
good game
Nice Game Hyper
well played^^
Accuracy of 35(dm17) is pathetic for cheaters!! ofc hyper did not cheat! GG
wtf, are these guys from Poland? I thought at least two of them are from GB.. ? :scratch:
as mentioned i got myself demo'd...

and i had the best stats *proudam*
I wanted to put a bullet between the eyes of every penguin that didnt wanna screw to save its species.