I<[] 2:0 2!S/20.08.2006/RANKED
KO 2:0 2Sweet
Game for: Summer Freeze Cup - Round 9th
1. q3dm7 ( ko choice ) 13:9 for KO
2. q3dm11 ( 2sweet choice ) 18:9 for KO
Gametype: TAG
Players: 3 vs. 3
Timelimit: 15min
FriendlyFire: enabled
Punkbuster: enabled
Pure Server: enabled
Thx for game.
Thx for logitech for made mouse model mx518, its 3rd mx518 killed by ko member.
gg both, btw sweety u was better then Hyper, good work
gg ko gg 2sweet, what's up with mx 518 for flex ? ppl used to like it
buy a g5
gg KO
XD Flex, what are u doing with ur mouse in K[] clan .... :roll:
I better dont bring that to my mind XD
good games
greetings Larry
Hehe Flex,thats why its recommendable not to use mouse 2 for jumping :]]
Normal ppl use space ;] GG btw

Hehe Flex,thats why its recommendable not to use mouse 2 for jumping :]]
Normal ppl use space ;] GG btw
mouse2 rockzzzzzzzzzz
gg both
GG wp both teams
lolz my mouse is total wired. It had mement when scroll is total crazy. I have bind on scoll weapon. It fuck up in last 3 min first map. When i want choose rail it change to rocket and next bfg
. Now it work again, but sometimes i scrool random page up and down.
About other mouse. Driv and Marcus kill right button cuz they have on mouse2 jump.