I was banned form RETRO FFA... AGAIN!!!
I was banned right now again by IP! Mod nickname Golly!
I ask him to tell me the reason of my ban? He didnt say.
Any proves of my fault??? Any demos???
And tell me somebody why so many rcon passwords in hands of such people?
Edy & Easy, can you change your rcon and give the new one only to few fair persons. I think somebody LOST your rcon... or LOST conscience...
Unban me please! I want to play! Its not my fault that im play better! I played 2 years on this server! Please unban me!
"unban me pls! you need proof to ban me! i wanna play on server where i always get banned and no one likes me because im best player in world and im sorry about that. (((((( "
attention whore needed? anyone? :roll:
Alcohol you are making yourself a crying baby.. i'm sure that you're not saying everything now either..
Like last time when you said some shits about your lg when you was banned because of the shits/racist you talk... you are a nasty player NOONE wants that in his server ... maybe go play CRICKET??
Wow, you guys sure are quick to pass judgement, huh? Nabbed, tried and sentenced without even knowing what's this all about.
well you make me laugh alc....her is ure private message u sent me
Another "lesson" - is not my problem. I dont need the lesson. You need it! You and your friends!
I i will always go to forum and write to all admins about you and your cheating rcon friends!
ive known golly (kilertron) for many many years .he ran evil server for many years and has been head leader of clan for many years... no reason you say...after ure 2 week ban for abuse do you really think you can come back to the server and abuse me (i wasnt even ther) and every 1 else ther...if you want to keep perpetually geting ure self banned for ure own big mouth that is ure own fault..and just to end this....who am i gona belive long time respected leader of evil clan who ran many servers or sum 1 that got big mouth
attention whore needed? anyone? :roll:I dont need your whore. Leave your whore in your place... :roll:
1 7|-|()UG|-|7 4 7\/\/47 |_1|<3 Y()|_| C()U|_|> |\|33|> 17. ((((
u didn't get the point, did ya?
i sense tears and cying.
Have to ask BunZ and his mate Golly!
Give me some REAL proofs of my fault? Have you ANY???
You cant ban me without proof! Its not my fault that im play better than you both!