:: i0.cfg ::
If you want to support the cfg, paste this into your sig:
:: i0.cfg ::
:: Release Candidate #1 ::
:: Build v.467
:: General Informations ::
Author : Pitbull from *PYROMANCERS*.
Current version : v.467
This default configuration aims at reintroducing the health and armor pick-up as an important point of the gameplay, all with carefully balanced weapons in a spamless environment and a tested effective system.
Several aspects of the configuration has been converted to variables, allowing the players and administrators to highly customize the gameplay during the game.
:: Main points ::
:!: Default Configuration :!:
Switch time is 180
Hitbox reduced to 80%
Base health is 100
Items (armors and health) available
Infinite ammos and all weapons on spawn
Powerups : Quad, Battlesuit, Regeneration and Haste
Two Multijumps
Unlagged is ON
Physics is Pro-Mode alike
Balanced weapons
Armor system is Quake 1 / CPMA system
:: Changes Log ::
:: v.467 ::
Decreased Grenades Launcher radius.
Decreased Grenades Launcher knockback.
Decreased Grenades Launcher damage.
Increased old/sticky grenades damage.
Increased old BFG's splash damage.
Recuded new BFG's splash damage.
Reduced Rocket Arena mode Rocket Launcher knockback.
Added i0_healthlimit. Define the soft limit of health pickup. If used with an higher i0_playerhealth value, player's health will slowly drop to i0_healthlimit value.
Modified i0_switchmode to descending order.
· 0 = Instant switch with 180 milliseconds delay.
· 1 = Instant switch with 160 (Freeze Tag) or 150 milliseconds delay (bro_xp.cfg).
· 2 = Instant switch with 140 milliseconds delay (plus.cfg).
· 3 = Instant shot with 3 milliseconds delay (ProMode like).
Default multijumps reduced to 2.
Added i0_server.bat, i0_dedicated.bat and i0_server.cfg. Variables can now be edited from the i0_server.cfg.
:: v.452 ::
Reduced i0_pantsbfg "1" knockback.
Increased Machine Gun cycle.
Added i0_plusbfg. Sets BFG knockback value similar to plus.cfg
Added i0_plusplasma. Sets Plasma knockback value similar to plus.cfg
Modified i0_switchmode.
· 0 = Instant switch with 180 milliseconds delay.
· 1 = Instant switch with 140 milliseconds delay (plus.cfg).
· 2 = Instant switch with 160 (Freeze Tag) or 150 milliseconds delay (bro_xp.cfg).
· 3 = Instant shot with 3 milliseconds delay (ProMode like).
Added i0_ultrahealth mode. Allow to reach 500 health points by picking up Mega Health and Regeneration power up.
Added i0_ultraarmor mode. Allow to reach 500 armor points by picking up armors.
:: Installation ::
Place the i0.cfg file into your .../excessiveplus/conf folder. Using rcon, load the configuration with the following command:
/rcon xxxxx load conf/i0.cfg (where xxxxx is your rcon password)
Once the configuration is loaded, it is possible to change the value of the following variables and make use of the few commands available. Change the desired settings and use map_restart for the changes to take effect.
The i0_server.cfg file has to be placed in your main excessiveplus folder.
The i0_server.bat and i0_dedicated.bat have to be placed in your main Quake 3 folder.
:: Commands ::
i0_versioninfo: Display the configuration build number.
:: Variable ::
i0_allowflagdrop : Allow flag drop. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_ammopickup: Enable the ammo pickup mode. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_anticamp: Enable anticamp protection. (Value: 1/0 Default: 1)
i0_classesctf: Enable classes in CTF gametype. (Value: 1/0 Default:
Heavy Weapons (Red team)
Quad powerup, Gauntlet, Machine Gun, Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Lightning Gun and BFG.
Light Weapons (Blue team)
Haste powerup, Gauntlet, Machine Gun, Shotgun, Grenade Launcher, Rail Gun and Plasma Gun.
Unlimited ammo, four multijumps.
i0_disablebfg: Disable the BFG. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_disablepowerups: Disable powerups on maps. Does not affect i0_classesctf. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_dropweapons: Drop weapons on death. Requires i0_weaponspickup 1. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_enablearmor: Enable armor items on maps. (Value: 1/0 Default: 1)
i0_enablehealth: Enable health items on maps. (Value: 1/0 Default: 1)
i0_gibs: Enable the "Gib player on death" mode. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_healthlimit: Define the soft limit of health pickup. If used with an higher i0_playerhealth value, player's health will slowly drop to i0_healthlimit value. (Value: 200/175/150/125/100/75/50/25 Default: 100)
i0_hitbox: Change the bounding box of players. (Value: 1.0/0.9/0.8/0.7/0.6/0.5 Default: 0.8 )
i0_instantrail: Instant kill on Rail hit. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_instantspawn: Enable the instant spawn, zero delay. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_multijumps: Change the number of allowed multijumps. (Value: 5/4/3/2/1/0 Default: 4)
i0_oldgrenades: Vanilla Quake bouncing grenades. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_pantsbfg: Enable the Mr.Pants BFG style. 0 value uses the Vanilla Quake BFG style. (Value: 1/0 Default: 1)
i0_playerarmor: Set player armor on spawn. (Value: 200/175/150/125/100/75/50/25 Default:
i0_playerhealth: Set player health on spawn. (Value: 200/175/150/125/100/75/50/25 Default: 100)
i0_plusbfg: Plus.cfg BFG knockback style. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_pluslightning: Plus.cfg Lightning Gun knockback style. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_plusplasma: Plus.cfg Plasma knockback style. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_plusrail: Plus.cfg Rail knockback style. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_railonly: Enable the Rail/Gauntlet only mode.
i0_regenarmor: Enable armor regeneration. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_regenhealth: Enable health regeneration. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_rocketarena: Enable Rocket Arena gametype. Limited ammo, no multijumps. Players spawn with 200 health and 100 armor. i0_rocketarena 1 does not have BFG. i0_rocketarena 2 has bfg. (Value: 2/1/0 Default:
i0_spawnprotection: Enable the 1 second spawn protection. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_stickygrenades: Enable the sticky grenade. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_switchmode: Change the weapons switchmode.
0 = Instant switch with 180 milliseconds delay.
1 = Instant switch with 160 (Freeze Tag) or 150 milliseconds delay (bro_xp.cfg).
2 = Instant switch with 140 milliseconds delay (plus.cfg).
3 = Instant shot with 3 milliseconds delay (ProMode like).
i0_teleportprojectiles: Enable the teleportation of projectiles through portals. (Value: 1/0 Default:
i0_ultraarmor: Enable Ultra Armor mode. Allow to reach 500 armor points by picking up armor. (Value: 1/0 Default: 1)
i0_ultrahealth: Enable Ultra Health mode. Allow to reach 500 health points by picking up Mega Health and Regeneration power up. (Value: 1/0 Default: 1)
i0_unlimitedammo: Enable unlimited ammo. (Value: 1/0 Default: 1)
i0_weaponspickup: Enable the weapons pickup mode. (Value: 1/0 Default:
:: Special Thanks ::
foksie'LoY for his help.
*pyro*shmick and phc.digit for testing.
muse for being comprehensive.
pyro clan for the great support.
Now that's what I call a good config.
Nice work dude.
looks like this config is taking advantage of all q3 items and powerups.been waiting long time for something like this. i ll surely upload on HK servers.
its good to see this kind off stuff being developed, it looks real interesting to me, a new concept within e+ - I think that you should work with reno and forge the two concepts youve come up with and put into one working model.. also i got some suggestions which might be a good addition.. casa, ive put it on one of my servers for a test (the 1v1 never gets used)
I presume some can be made voteable? this would be a nice touch too.
anyway pitbull, check your pm.
Really nice config Disso, I enjoyed beating you up with it.
Thanks for the nice words mates!
All the commands are votable and I made this list so you can add them to your current xp_vote variable.
set xp_vote "i0_multijumps , i0_stickygrenades, i0_oldgrenades, i0_pantsbfg, i0_disablebfg, i0_railonly, i0_teleportprojectiles, i0_enablehealth, i0_enablearmor, i0_disablepowerups, i0_ammopickup, i0_weaponspickup, i0_anticamp, i0_unlimitedammo, i0_dropweapons, i0_spawnprotection, i0_instantrail, i0_hitbox, i0_instantspawn, i0_rocketarena, i0_switchmode, i0_gibs, i0_regenhealth, i0_regenarmor, i0_classesctf, i0_allowflagdrop, i0_playerhealth, i0_playerarmor, i0_plusrail, i0_pluslightning, i0_plusplama, map_restart"
(map_restart is needed for changes to take effect)
I'm working on some additionnal variables at the moment, and will probably have a new version out in a few days
ahh gotcha.. ignore that bit in my pm then
can you pin point the variables that wont work in the game?
As soon u have something like a final config, i gonna try it. If i like it, i put it on 1 of our new servers comming early july.
I must admit, i am really tyred of plus meanwhile, but i also have definetly no time to change something on it the last months, also i prefer to play atm instead of sitting in front of a config, reading tons of suggestions and test it out.
Thanks mate!
Look at your mail box, replied
:: eXcessiveplus america ::