Importin' q3 maps
helloI m Killing Floor mapper.tell me please how i can import / open q3 maps in other editor.
or, what needs for open and export brushs and textures for other editors.what programs need for make it.
Killing Floor work on UNREAL ENGINE 3.0
great tnx
hello.. i know the q3 maps are in bsp format .. if that helps .. i don't know .. maybe you should ask this on a killing floor/unreal engine mapping forum, since here we speak about q3 and not killing floor.
i doubt some1 here knows how to import a map in the unreal engine/killing floor map editor.
hello d9*cheater
ive checked his ip/ cross-ips its no way its d9*cheater
It is d9 cheater. I saw him today playing with similar tag like that, and he was using his old colourfull binds which i remember quite good. What are the odds that he comes saying something on forums on a very same day?
E+ community can not help somebody who has been caught cheating several times, first help urself.
you already broke your "i will not break rules" promise once.
You are playing KF? On Steam? We can play together, I am pro there!
All perks full lvl6 (lvl7) and of course all ach done!
my motto in KF is - "like a boss xD"

E+ community can not help somebody who has been caught cheating several times, first help urself.
but we can help arrogant and ungrateful ql and noghost noobs who came here to insult and calling our community and configs with shitty words? trololo, cheating is not worst sin, but I guess you will never learn that...
yep, im d9-cheater
i play sometimes q3, and.. cause banana server is shuted down.. play q-linsta
and.. i play only for fan and together iwth old friends.. not for cheating >.>
maybe can export q3 maps in other formats?
so.. where i can find q3 editors?
translate RO.
salut epsi

uite, am programi pentru importare a mapelor si obiectelor in diferite formate.
dar din q3 nu pot
poate e posibil sa exportez din vrun editor de q3 in format bin la mine.
potsi sami recomandezi ceva bunishor?