@IMPULSE - aNk archives
First of all it's not really anyones business what kee does in her spare time....... however i'd love to enlighten u that she isn't as old as u think, and bio isn't as young as u think... so just give it a rest ffs?
Crapbringer come IRC, i bored

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC

Crapbringer come IRC
: :twisted:
Regadz :!:
Xd plz
very elitist GG
Bonus points go to us for being most detached from e+ when Rena, Skull and Ina were not even here.
Bonus points go to you for being a more "wery" mod team than Rena, Ina and Skull.
try changing your cg_fov or whatever
just pathetic...
Mad comes along and expresses his entitled opinion about a server (that happens to be RCONed by the presumed pedophile) and he gets banned? His comment was not even half provocative/insulting as Shady's 4-5 previous posts in that topic.
This only looks like a desperate Admin drooling after the said presumed pedophile, who's trying to show off his inexistent cojones with a totally misjudged ban.
You wish you had even half of Madbringer's integrity, IQ and english skills dear Admin.
Now please excuse me, I need to go to the toilet and take a wery shit.
ps. Morale of the story:
Post as many photos of dicks in skulls as you wish, you shall be safe.
Post your opinions without any photos of dicks in skulls, you shall be banned.
I'm working with the info i have. I'm not necessarily making it my business, either, like i said, just taking the piss. Not my fault people are so damn touchy. :E