®Insta C.L.R.10th Dunno 2-1 Twt
2. April 2014 - 9:36
////1st map: Q3DM8 ('s map)// //
////2nd map: Q3DM13 ('s map)////
////3ndMap: Q3DM5 (TIE map)////
//Gametype: CA 3vs3
Timelimit: 15
//Fraglimit: 0
FriendlyFire: 0
//Config: r4eCA.cfg
Pure: Enabled
//Punkbuster: Enabled
Server: Mi3 -WAR- Server!
//Ref+: Jumper
Thanks to TWT clan and to Jumper for the ref!!
2. April 2014 - 12:30
Re: Insta C.L.R.10th Dunno 2-1 Twt
gg, strange that TwT lost on DM5 imo
2. April 2014 - 13:00
Re: Insta C.L.R.10th Dunno 2-1 Twt
gg all
2. April 2014 - 18:59
Re: Insta C.L.R.10th Dunno 2-1 Twt
Demos, GG
2. April 2014 - 20:31
Re: Insta C.L.R.10th Dunno 2-1 Twt

gg, strange that TwT lost on DM5 imoWhy is so strange?
I didn't say "So strange" just "Strange" kk j/k... I'll send you a pm later, saying why
3. April 2014 - 6:23
Re: Insta C.L.R.10th Dunno 2-1 Twt

gg, strange that TwT lost on DM5 imo
i cant kill there, i think it's see on demos
4. April 2014 - 23:12
Re: ®Insta C.L.R.10th Dunno 2-1 Twt
Why is so strange?