insta CA league round 3: BR 2:0 R2 (draft post)
30. January 2014 - 10:40
[28/01/2014 11:07:35] BR: 19-11 R2 ermap
[28/01/2014 11:07:48] BR: 29-8 R2 overkill
Screens & more map info coming up when I get them. D:
30. January 2014 - 10:42
Re: insta CA league round 3: BR 2:0 R2 (draft post)
gg no re
30. January 2014 - 13:27
Re: insta CA league round 3: BR 2:0 R2 (draft post)
30. January 2014 - 14:12
Re: insta CA league round 3: BR 2:0 R2 (draft post)
why u post fw?
10. February 2014 - 13:45
Re: insta CA league round 3: BR 2:0 R2 (draft post)
10. February 2014 - 14:36
Re: insta CA league round 3: BR 2:0 R2 (draft post)
R2 ping is huge...
10. February 2014 - 15:51
Re: insta CA league round 3: BR 2:0 R2 (draft post)

R2 ping is huge...
it was FW only
we haven't ref and don't have demos
10. February 2014 - 15:58
Re: insta CA league round 3: BR 2:0 R2 (draft post)

R2 ping is huge...
Demos?it was FW only
we haven't ref and don't have demos
you should play cw and win i think
10. February 2014 - 16:36
Re: insta CA league round 3: BR 2:0 R2 (draft post)

R2 ping is huge...
Demos?it was FW only
we haven't ref and don't have demos
they put score only for league. they dont care about ranking it is clear.