Hello people, I made an Instagib config, and posted here:
I was wondering if scores could be updated based on hits and not on frags.This would be really great for practice.
Dunno why the tag didn't work..Uploading the config as a file.
So you say you just removed gauntlet from qlinsta, decreased shoot reload and added air control?
Well, not that really bad, however, I'd love to see gauntlet in it, sometimes it's a really useful thing. Or it was your point to not allow anyone play as "gauntlet-creeper"?

not allow anyone play as "gauntlet-creeper"?
Later I will check this up but your problem seems to be with a game command "/fraglimit 5", am I right?
Roundlimit is a round limit, the name says for itself, man
Explaining it is pointless, just go into the game, set roundlimit "3" and figure it out, that's the best way. Pay attention to one fact: With roundlimit "3" you can end up game after only 2 rounds. If in the second round you'll be leading 2:0 there are no needs to play third round because opponent can not win anyways. But if in the second round game will be tied at 1:1 you have to play 3rd round to call a winner. That's how it works.
Just run the game and figure it out by yourself : - )
If you want to still play 3 rounds out of 3 rounds you've set with no matter of score - instead of setting roundlimit 3 set fraglimit 3. Works in different gametypes also such as Clan Arena.
Fraglimit instead of Round Limit is usually played in Free For All, Freeze Tag [just public servers] and Clan Arena gametypes.
lol never realised I changed all that until you guys talked about it. Well, it was actually aimed to be a Instagib config. E+ is very awesome and gameplay wise has improvements, so in an attempt to have Instagib with E+, I made that. Its supposed to be a rail only thing. Later I thought, only rails without frags would be good for practice.
This one is with gauntlets!
Btw guys, a problem here, my game ends when the score hits 5. This never happened before.