Introduce yourself

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enter_x's picture
Joined: Aug 2005

ppl dont know so much about each other so...

my name is adam and i live in karskrona. it's a small city in south sweden. i'm 22 and i study to becoma a welder. my biggest interest atm is talking on skype(with my gf who lives in norway), drink beer and play E+ Cool

so that's my meaningless life, but i dont complain as long as i have beer Big grin

smokin_hadz's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
Introduce yourself

I tried this once b4 and got atacke dfrom all angles Shock

But i will go again but cant be bothered right now, watch this space. Big grin
Joined: Aug 2006
Introduce yourself

My name is Martin, im 22 and im from Czech republic. I live in Uhersky brod, 290 km from Prague. My hobbies are beer, beer, my girl (talking with her via skype, bcs she is in England - Addlestone), internet, e+ and beer. Btw i love Connie Big grin.

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Introduce yourself

I'm Chuck, and i'm here to .. eat a tic-tac Big grin

Well, no point in saying who i am or what i do. There's an interview with me (woo, woo!) somewhere on the boards, feel free to look for it. Tongue

Good idea with the thread, tho. Maybe i should sticky it and make it something of an official "say hello!" topic?

Sexy Black's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Introduce yourself
madbringer wrote:

Good idea with the thread, tho. Maybe i should sticky it and make it something of an official "say hello!" topic?

Yes Mad! You should do that Happy It's a good topic for new players that want to say hello and say something about them self so.

Mousepad: SteelSeries QcK Heavy
Mouse: Logitech G Pro Wireless
Headset: Steelseries arctis 7
Keyboard: Corsair K70 RGB MX Cherry Red

PANTY wrote:

Kono ookii na shokushu de kimi wo reepu-shite mo ii desu ka

beazt's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Introduce yourself

EDIT: My name is Radek. Iam 26 yo. I hated school so i completed A level (maturita) and stopped studies. I moved to Prague and made almost 1 year holidays Big grin I just played Q3 etc. Now i work like webmaster in small czech eshop with hardware/software/electronic stuff/etc.

My hobbies are.... travelling, photograping, bodybuilding and beer Happy

I live in Czech Republic like but in Prague so 290km far from him Happy

I live in apartment with my girlfriend since 2006. She hates if iam sitting nearby comp so i dont play so often like before Happy

Apple Mac mini M4 + Apple Magic Keyboard + Logitech G603

Joined: Mar 2004
Re: who are you?

ppl dont know so much about each other so...

my name is adam and i live in karskrona. it's a small city in south sweden. i'm 22 and i study to becoma a welder. my biggest interest atm is talking on skype(with my gf who lives in norway), drink beer and play E+ Cool

so that's my meaningless life, but i dont complain as long as i have beer Big grin

well im a master welder ask me anyhing about it. and allso make some plate work / back smith. heavy and hard metal 2-50 mm plates etc.

Joined: Jan 2007
Introduce yourself

my name is Stefan, i live in Germany/Baden-Würtemberg/Karlsruhe
i am 15 years old and dunno what to write more about me.....

Sriam's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
Introduce yourself

my name is Marius , im 15 years old and i live in Dortmund and hilden what is near düsseldorf.
my hobbys are :
playing soccer Cool
playing q3
lan partys
and beer (mehehehehehehe) Smug

i also play the instrument keyboard and i am able to play the guitar (but not so good anymore Big grin)

btw nice topic @enter

greetz SRiAM

coolest clan of e+ : Hyper!
coolest guy of e+ : okinex!

LNx's picture
Joined: May 2006
LT Lithuania
Introduce yourself

My name is Linas Im 18 years old I live in Vilnius
My hobbys: history, reading books (most in lithuanian), play computer games , play and watch basketball, play football and swimming and...
My favorite kind of music, i think rock, punk rock, metal.. (but i listen all kinds if i like it) Happy
My favorite food: all kind meet (but dont like spacy food)
My favorite drink: hm.. i guess beer Happy

Hm.. ask if you need more info


This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny to your signature help him gain world domination.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.. [G.Orwell]

Hallowed Be Thy Name
H4ll3luj4h's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
Introduce yourself

My name is Pavel(Paul) and I am from Prague in Czech republic.
I am 16. My loves: Girls (but I am free so long Sad ) , Iron maiden and Snooker and Beer
My hobbies: Read books, play pc games
My dream: I want to became the world famous pornactor ( Big grin )
Realy dream: Became the one of the best snooker players Tongue

I hate: Football, Basketball etc.

When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me
Can it be there's been some sort of an error
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end not some crazy dream
Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
It's not easy to stop from screaming
But words escape me when I try to speak
Tears they flow but why am I crying
After all am I not afraid of dying
Don't believe that there never is an end