Introduce yourself
ppl dont know so much about each other so...
my name is adam and i live in karskrona. it's a small city in south sweden. i'm 22 and i study to becoma a welder. my biggest interest atm is talking on skype(with my gf who lives in norway), drink beer and play E+
so that's my meaningless life, but i dont complain as long as i have beer
I tried this once b4 and got atacke dfrom all angles
But i will go again but cant be bothered right now, watch this space.
My name is Martin, im 22 and im from Czech republic. I live in Uhersky brod, 290 km from Prague. My hobbies are beer, beer, my girl (talking with her via skype, bcs she is in England - Addlestone), internet, e+ and beer. Btw i love Connie .
I'm Chuck, and i'm here to .. eat a tic-tac
Well, no point in saying who i am or what i do. There's an interview with me (woo, woo!) somewhere on the boards, feel free to look for it.
Good idea with the thread, tho. Maybe i should sticky it and make it something of an official "say hello!" topic?

Good idea with the thread, tho. Maybe i should sticky it and make it something of an official "say hello!" topic?
Yes Mad! You should do that It's a good topic for new players that want to say hello and say something about them self so.
EDIT: My name is Radek. Iam 26 yo. I hated school so i completed A level (maturita) and stopped studies. I moved to Prague and made almost 1 year holidays I just played Q3 etc. Now i work like webmaster in small czech eshop with hardware/software/electronic stuff/etc.
My hobbies are.... travelling, photograping, bodybuilding and beer
I live in Czech Republic like but in Prague so 290km far from him
I live in apartment with my girlfriend since 2006. She hates if iam sitting nearby comp so i dont play so often like before

ppl dont know so much about each other so...
my name is adam and i live in karskrona. it's a small city in south sweden. i'm 22 and i study to becoma a welder. my biggest interest atm is talking on skype(with my gf who lives in norway), drink beer and play E+
so that's my meaningless life, but i dont complain as long as i have beer
well im a master welder ask me anyhing about it. and allso make some plate work / back smith. heavy and hard metal 2-50 mm plates etc.
my name is Stefan, i live in Germany/Baden-Würtemberg/Karlsruhe
i am 15 years old and dunno what to write more about me.....
my name is Marius , im 15 years old and i live in Dortmund and hilden what is near düsseldorf.
my hobbys are :
playing soccer
playing q3
lan partys
and beer (mehehehehehehe)
i also play the instrument keyboard and i am able to play the guitar (but not so good anymore )
btw nice topic @enter
greetz SRiAM
My name is Linas Im 18 years old I live in Vilnius
My hobbys: history, reading books (most in lithuanian), play computer games , play and watch basketball, play football and swimming and...
My favorite kind of music, i think rock, punk rock, metal.. (but i listen all kinds if i like it)
My favorite food: all kind meet (but dont like spacy food)
My favorite drink: hm.. i guess beer
Hm.. ask if you need more info
My name is Pavel(Paul) and I am from Prague in Czech republic.
I am 16. My loves: Girls (but I am free so long ) , Iron maiden and Snooker and Beer
My hobbies: Read books, play pc games
My dream: I want to became the world famous pornactor ( )
Realy dream: Became the one of the best snooker players
I hate: Football, Basketball etc.