Irc | #excessiveplus @ Quakenet < Plz Join!
23. August 2005 - 23:16
I know this has been up before, but I thought I would make one last try...
Please, join the #excessiveplus on Quakenet! It would be great, if admins could idle in the channel, so they were easy to reach. And I'm one of those who dislikes chating in game, but I enjoy chatting on irc.
Here is a guide for those, who are new to irc:
I'll of course also answer any upcoming questions in this thread.
Hope I'll see you there in the near future
Why do you hate irc? Maybe you just don't like the interface? Hmm, I've heared that many uses Trilian for the irc protocol, maybe it has a more instant messenger like iterface. I've never tested it myself thought.