IRC in E+
First of all here a very interesting link, which explains the IRC pretty well.
And here a link of a thread from ali, where he took much effort to create to explain in a very understandable way how to setup/use irc:
I really wonder why in e+ just a few clans using IRC is using much less ressources than msn for example. If u want a fw/cw u just ask in a channel "heya fw smo?". It is much easier, as to ask on forum, or search users on msn (if u r so lucky that the person u search is already "added").
Also the clans who have a irc channel now, and also idling on #excessiveplus, have not a pretty good relationship to each other. It really helps to come closer to each other, not like that steril msn...
So, comon, join IRC. And use the Alis thread to post ur channel.
Agree Mow
Problem is its to hard for most people even when u have IRC GUIDE to manedg this task! (and lill lazy too ofc) to much changes that must be made etc before they can use the program.
All tho i like IRC np
using both MSN & IRC
So common ppl move your lazys asses and start 2 read & learn
Imo, the new website shoutbox should be an IRC client such as the one in e+ TV or the one in my sig
sooomey, basically it is very easy. install mirc, chose quakenet and join channel.
I was more thinking off those that did not have any ACCOUNT or something, They need 2 gett aprovel and shit
ah ok mow
I Give upp u right and im wrong
lol mow, i was see Zoomy on IRC meny month))) And zoom was regged and authed with the Q-robot)))
ah ok mow
I Give upp u right and im wrong
(there seem to be a breakdown of communication here cos i am not denying the thing you are saying, and vice versa)
sooomey, basically it is very easy. install mirc, chose quakenet and join channel.