is E+ insta rail years are over?

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spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005

I feel like i need to make this thread because, at this particular moment, im very annoyed by the fact that the "oficials" cfg's that we are forced to play (because not a lot of servers are active lately) are no longer insta-rail.

I think one of the basics of E+ and why the mod is still "EXCESSIVE" called, its because you were able to shoot 1 rail and kill the oponent no matter the quantity of armor that he uses.

Its ok if armor protects you from all the weapons, but in my opinion, e+ should maintain its insta rail intact as proof of the excessive side of the mod.

I remember well that 1 of the most popular things of this mod and the first one that attracted many players was the capacity of flying around with your rail gun knowing that is the deadly weapon out there (not the BFG)

Why do you think that rail cfg's are more popular than this latest plusn inventions ? simple: insta rail.

If we want those new players to come and explore the full mod and compete with us, we need to mantain the sources of the mod intact. And this is one of those core facts.

my 2 cents.

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;


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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
is E+ insta rail years are over?

with an insta rail, every nub is able to kill an enemy, like this an nub will always score zero vs a good player.

thats something that can fascinate players, as i joined this community i realised all i need to do is rail and that on an enourmous level and i will score.

sometimes 1on1s in qlive on higher level end to zero, while in e+ this roughly happens, even as i totally owned invisible on dm7 he still scored 1 frag.

this frag was made by rail eventhough i had 300 hp and 150 armor, if i would have more he would have scored zero and it would have been a total destruction frustrating players.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
is E+ insta rail years are over?

I think its way more pro to have better rail reflects than collecting armor to give yourself another chance after failing a rail strike to your enemy.

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;


mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
is E+ insta rail years are over?

About ur argumentation. IN the true excessivemod all weapons are excessive, except rail. In BRO/PLUS just Rail was excessive. So please, calling it excessive is a offense regarding to "Excessive" Happy

Ur Argument, rail is not instant anymore. This may be true, but just arround 5-10 % of the the game, the rest, 90 - 95 % are still instakill.

How to fight against a battlesuit:
- Fresh Battlesuit, 1 Rail --> Switch to SG and Battlesuit catcher is dead
- BS + Red Armor, Rail --> SG --> Rail and voila, success (in less than 1,5 seconds)
- Rest becomes problematic, but it is rare

Anyway, most part of the game is still intagib, for my personal taste all other weapons, except bfg and rocket, are too weak, and not worth to be called "Excessive"

Furthermore none of the mentioned configs are "official", yet.

The Nature of Excessiveplus is whining. No, seriosly, the nature is "variability" of configs. And if someone doesnt like a config, he should not whine, like you or doc, he could do something against it. Not play on a regarding server, "maybe" create a server of own taste. MAKE IT POPULAR WITH FRIENDS, this is the way, to make nowadays a server popular. U need to do something for it, but no, many in here are lazy bastards. And before some say "i need to work, i dont have much time", which is of course true, but arround the same ammount play each day a couple of hours, but instead of doing something, they are just complaining and whining.

Nowadays Serverranking in ingame console works by usage, once a server reach a specific "popularity"-status, the status is than static. But to bring it to this status, u should make it at least half full with players once a day. For that, u have ur friends, or people who feel the same like you. But this means some work, and discipline, which most in here dont want, or dont have.

my 2 cents

unique * mnc
mnc's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
is E+ insta rail years are over?

But notice Spider how the gameplay have changed now. People are not just roaming around the map looking for frags.

I reminded myself when plusN was in early stage nobody was picking up MH or armors, now people are running around and collecting even green hps and armor shards. Quad and BS are now used more often than before as well. This is just an innovation to the gameplay, which seems to bring more fun to a lot of players.

Joined: Nov 2005
is E+ insta rail years are over?

totally agree with spider...All what i say is . If i want collect powerups,items, armorrs i go play OSP/CPMA, if i want EXCESSIVE i go play E+

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
is E+ insta rail years are over?

we need to attract OSP/CPMA players, to play EXCESSIVE too.
And there are many configs as mow said, make a server running with your cfg then lets see if ppl coming.

But to help advertising a server we need a dedicated servers forum here, unlucky admins are too lazy to create it nowaday even if they have time to create one for railonly ranking Big grin

Btw ppl wanted it and voted for it

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
is E+ insta rail years are over?

classic bro/plus config cant be named "excessive" in any way. dont use it as argument please. And plusn cant be compared to osp/cpma in any way, too many differences.

xDD LoL AndyRocket)))
n1xin's picture
Joined: Dec 2008
is E+ insta rail years are over?
unique * mnc wrote:

But notice Spider how the gameplay have changed now. People are not just roaming around the map looking for frags.

I reminded myself when plusN was in early stage nobody was picking up MH or armors, now people are running around and collecting even green hps and armor shards. Quad and BS are now used more often than before as well. This is just an innovation to the gameplay, which seems to bring more fun to a lot of players.

Agree here!

Unreal's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
PL Poland
is E+ insta rail years are over?
unique * mnc wrote:

This is just an innovation to the gameplay, which seems to bring more fun to a lot of players.


not innovation but like in vq3/cpma etc

and i like it

my 3 cents

RONiN wrote:

stage 1) i am in denial that girls exist on the internet, i think everyone is a guy
stage 2) i am in denial that everyone is real, i think you are all advanced bots
stage 3) i am in denial that the world is real, i think i am plugged into a machine
stage 4) i am in denial that machines actually exist, i think this is just one big dream
stage 5) i am in denial that i am capable of dreaming, i think my existence is fake
*poof* everything disappears.

no trickz in my signature anymore

Joined: Nov 2005
is E+ insta rail years are over?
unique * mnc wrote:

now people are running around and collecting even green hps and armor shards

sorry mnc but useless green hps with armor shards doesnt help. It is like tatter of toilet paper instead of entire sheet.
Much sooner u got killed by lucker who owned BS/RA/QUAD randomly - he camped or was at right place at right time). You need to rememer that It isnt about timing.

UNREAL wrote:
like in vq3/cpma etc

you cant compare it with those mods, even if it is like in.