Is it enough reason
Zonty, Its question and i cant give you an answer for your question. Its different ppl from ppl. There is two choices.
1. He/She is your very good friend and you believe him without any doubts
2. You know he/she very well but you dont believe him so tell it to him/her and ask for details.
would say kinda the same like beazt said.
depends on the person u are talking to...
Im really interested in ur opinions about this problem:
If some1 (who was really ur friend) began always says that he/she is EXTREMLY busy, but w/out any details, so she/he cant do anything this (next..) evening/morning...
then should it be enough and important reason for u, or details (any) r neccessary?
hmmm or im not clearly said it..
So this is kinda a love problem
She says she is busy but she doesnt wanna say why or what shes doing?
Maybe she is seeing someone else and doesnt wanna hurt your feelings... The only solution here is: HONEST CONVERSATION.
But not over the phone
I rarely pry into other people's business, even if they are my friends, so i may ask what are they busy with, and am usually satisfied with any answer (even if i know it is a blatant lie..).
If we talk about someone you love, i would find it suspicious if that person would try to shove me away with some quickly made story, or would refuse to say anything at all. Trust is not really a factor when it repeats in a frequent manner, sooner or later everyone will think "What the fuck is going on?".
Also, the other side might do that intentionally to gauge your reaction, so watch out. ;p
im always busy being busy '-]
and zont is zont
@ leuka:
I agree that it can be love problem and then way is easy, u r right But i mean position when its kind of annoying problem
(its not in confidence about love story he/she )
@ Beazt:
Problem is that this man answers that problem is important and think it should be enough
But coz of frquence its really hard to piously trust in it .
feel i said not enough clearly :roll: