This is only a short test demo that took me a weekend to do. It is encoded with Divx 5.
I should have used Xvid, because for game films it would have looked so much better IMO.
Ok this might be kinda here goes...
Making a demo as we all know is super easy. Demo's are thus made into .dm_68 files. I will make an attempt to help everyone convert their demo's into .avi files.
Here is a command that might be unfamilair to many, it is called cl_avidemo
What this command does is take every frame of movement and convert them into .TGA files. As we all know at the end of every game, Q3 takes a screenshot that becomes a .TGA file.
Here are the basics that can be used. Use bind keys to make this easier: cl_avidemo 0 means no frames will be made. This command will be used to stop your conversion. cl_avidemo 30 means that the conversion will be made at 30 Frames Per Second (FPS) or for our european M8's perhapse 25 FPS. If the number is lower, you will achieve slow motion & thus a higher number will become fast paced.
So the next question might be, how big will all of this become? Well try to imagine 30 .TGA files for every 1 second of game play. Considering that .TGA files are uncompressed images, you will need a large hardrive. 1 minute of game time will equal about 1,800 frames, thats 1,800 .TGA files.
.......nice 'eh?
So...have we really achieved a true .avi yet? The answer is no. If you were to look into your excessiveplus screenshot folder you will find all the screenshots that the command cl_avidemo has created.
One thing I would NOT recommend is using cl_avidemo while playing your game. If you do this, you will see your frame rate DROP like a BMW 745i into the English Channel. I suggest you record your demo then convert later.
Be sure when converting your demo that you select the same mod for which the demo was originally recorded. If you record with ExcessivePlus, make sure you choose the ExcessivePlus mod when converting your demo with cl_avidemo
Time for a break...I will return soon to explain how to convert these .TGA files into a simple .avi when I return from shopping.
: i add to folder hamachi solution , all directory content 7.2GB must have medium DVD Dual Layer 8.5GB Printable picture RGB color and box with paper. Edition non-steam JIVA's Quake3 https://drive.g...
: As far as I'm concerned, Quake generally needs a bigger skill set than other shooters. Newbies have little chance. That's why servers live where so many skills are not needed.
: Understanding why people like something and not something is today the art of marketing, statistics, trial and error, motivation and diligence + a few opportunities.
: I tried to make retro server maybe two or three years back. but how you said. nobody is intrested. It's boring to play only with bots.
: Lol I stopped my vanilla e+ server exactly because nobody ever came to play there
: The reason why I don't play is that the game itself changed in the last 15 years . My game style how I played doesn't work well with today's server configs. And nobody from todays players care to play old configs Would be nice to have one retro serve
: What do you think is the best mouse for playing Quake 3? are jealous, you chose negativity your disappointment does not concern me your envy will not bring you anything
: noob= chiter
: I loved playing with that mouse.
To answer your question I am too long removed from serious gaming to know which mouse is the best for playing Q3. From my experience the best ine is the one that suits YOU the best;). I found the ergonomics of mx518 great
: Maybe I'll try to get back to it from time to time allthough my favourite mouse from back in the day - logitech mx518 is dead:/.
Please do not stream this video!!
Right click and Save Target As. 5).avi
This is only a short test demo that took me a weekend to do. It is encoded with Divx 5.
I should have used Xvid, because for game films it would have looked so much better IMO.
"Samo sloga Srbina spasava"