its 2015
And i wonder if anyone is still playing this crap
Make this in 5 years, the answer will probably still be yes
Why, you want to come back?
this game ... like endless summer

Make this in 5 years, the answer will probably still be yes
i dont think so

Make this in 5 years, the answer will probably still be yesi dont think so
Would you have said the same in 2010? Regardless, I don't think I'll be here to see for myself but ya, game could die down

Make this in 5 years, the answer will probably still be yesi dont think so
people still play quake 1, multiplayer, yes. And do you think q3 will die that fast?
As long as there is quake live, there will also be quake 3 for sure. And same mods will be played on servers
The question is if we will have competitive scene (clans/teams/events)
and that depends only on the community people. If they want to support
the game then yes the competitive scene will still exist. If not then
you'll just see ppl playing on random servers and have fun.

As long as there is quake live, there will also be quake 3 for sure. And same mods will be played on servers
Can we have these same quality programmers?
Deki and Dragon still show up from time to time on Beer.Freezer

As long as there is quake live, there will also be quake 3 for sure. And same mods will be played on serversCan we have these same quality programmers?
Hire them, pay them in cash and you'll get your programmers, geez. People got their own lives, don't expect anyone will come, do the job for free and instead of gratitude he'll be called a dick because of some mistakes he made in the script.